Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Ori... by Benedict Anderson
The Practice of Everyday Life by Michel De Certeau
Banal Nationalism by Professor Michael Billig
The Invention of Tradition (Canto) by Eric Hobsbawm
Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things
Dissensus: On Politics and Aesthetics by Jacques Ranciere
The Politics of Aesthetics: The Distribution of the Sensible
Social Identity (Key Ideas) richard jenkins
Hierarchies of Belonging: National Identity and Political Culture in Scotland and Quebec [Hardcover]
Ailsa Henderson (Author)
Uprootings/Regroundings: Questions of Home and Migration [Paperback]
Sara Ahmed
Diaspora and Hybridity (Published in associa... by Dr Virinder Kalra
Geographies of Rhythm [Hardcover]
Tim Edensor
The New Individualism [Paperback]
Anthony Elliott
A New Politics of Identity: Political Principles for an Interdependent World [Paperback]
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Belonging [Paperback]
bell hooks (Author)
The Postnational Self: Belonging and Identity (Public Worlds Series) [Paperback]
Ulf Hedetoft (Editor), Mette Hjort (Editor)
Cultural Hybridity by Peter Burke
Cartographies of Diaspora: Contesting Identities (G... by Avtar Brah
There Ain't No Black in the Union Jack: The Cu... by Paul Gilroy
Routes: Travel And Translation in the Late Twen... by James Clifford
Diaspora Politics: At Home Abroad by Gabriel Sheffer
Migrants of Identity: Perceptions of 'Home' in a World of Movement (Ethnicity and Identity Series) [Paperback]
Andrew Dawson (Editor), Nigel Rapport (Editor)
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Strange Encounters: Embodied Others in Post-colonia... by Sara Ahmed
Reveries of Home: Nostalgia, Authenticity and the Performance of Place [Hardcover]
Solrun Williksen and Nigel Rapport (Author), Solrun Williksen (Editor), Nigel Rapport (Editor)
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British Subjects: An Anthropology of Britain [Paperback]
Nigel Rapport (Editor)
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Migrants of Identity: Perceptions of 'Home' in a World of Movement (Ethnicity and Identity Series) [Paperback]
Andrew Dawson
Geography of Home: Writings on Where We Live [Paperback]
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House as a Mirror of Self: Exploring the Deeper Meaning of Home [Paperback]
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Everyday Life and Cultural Theory: An Introduction by Ben Highmore
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The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social [Paperback]
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Reading the Everyday [Paperback]
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Anthropology and the Individual (Materializing Culture) [Paperback]
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On Longing: Narratives of the Miniature, the Gigantic, the Souvenir, the Collection [Paperback]
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Getting Back into Place: Toward a Renewed Understanding of the Place-world (Studies in Continental Thought) [Paperback]
Edward S. Casey (Author)
The Power of Place: How Our Surroundings Shape Our Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions (P.S.) [Paperback]
Winifred Gallagher (Author)
Postmodern Geographies (Radical Thinkers Classic Editions) [Paperback]
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Giving an Account of Oneself [Paperback]
Judith Butler (Author)
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Narratives of Identity and Place [Hardcover]
Stephanie Taylor (Author)
The Trouble with Community: Anthropological Reflections on Movement, Identity and Collectivity (Anthropology, Culture and Society) [Paperback]
Vered Amit (Author), Nigel Rapport (Author)
22 Şubat 2011 Salı
12 Şubat 2011 Cumartesi
some notes on reflexivity from kim etherington
-Reflexivity requires self-awareness but is more than self-awareness in that it creates a dynamic process of interaction within and between our selves and our participants, and the data that inform decisions, actions and interpretations at all stages of research.
-Reflexivity challenges us to be more fully conscious of our own ideology, culture, and politics and that of our participants and our audience.
Reflexivity in research conversations and writing creates transparency and addresses the ethical issues and power relations between researcher and researched.
Reflexivity enables us to provide information on what is known as well as how it is known.
-Reflexivity challenges us to be more fully conscious of our own ideology, culture, and politics and that of our participants and our audience.
Reflexivity in research conversations and writing creates transparency and addresses the ethical issues and power relations between researcher and researched.
Reflexivity enables us to provide information on what is known as well as how it is known.
3 Şubat 2011 Perşembe
02.10.2010: bir ay sonra türkiye
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gözüme kestirdiğim mesafe iskoçya kuyruk bekleme mesafesi çıktı.
sonradan gelen kadın benim kasa için beklediğimi anlamadı bile, geçti önüme.
uyarsam mı dedim, niye uyarır ki insan, kabalığından değil, iki dünya kesişmediği, aynı dili konuşmadığımız için o benim eksenimden başka yerden geçmiş.
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